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Startup tour 2022 will be held in Perm


The Startup Tour is an annual event of the Skolkovo Foundation, one of the largest and longest-running projects in Russia aimed at supporting technological entrepreneurship in the regions and involving them in the innovation ecosystem of the country and the world. In 2022, the Startup Tour returns to an offline format in Perm on April 14th.

The main elements of the event program:

- Panel discussion "New Reality: Technological Trends and Rebuilding the Partnership Architecture";

- Mentoring session (Open area for communication with mentors, the opportunity to present your project to experts and investors, adjust the business model, get advice on attracting investments and improve project work)

- Presentation of Skolkovo services, project support measures;

- Individual program, partner sessions;

- Conducting a competition in areas (information technology; biotechnology in medicine and agriculture; industrial and energy technologies);

- Final and awards ceremony.

Who will be interested in participating in the Startup Tour:

- startups, technology entrepreneurs, young scientists;

- industrial partners, corporations, investors;

- regional participants of the Skolkovo project;

- representatives of technology parks and business incubators, mentors, experts.

Details and registration - https://startup-tour.ru/

The start-up tour in Perm will be held with the support of the Government of the Perm Territory, the State Budgetary Institution of the Perm Territory "Investment Development Agency", the leading Russian telecommunications company ER-Telecom Holding (Dom.ru brand). The event will be co-organized by the high-tech technology park Morion Digital, which develops the Boiling Point space.


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