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Work continues at USATU to ensure integrated security


Creating a safe environment on the university campus always remains a priority for the university leadership.

To ensure comprehensive security, 428 video cameras, an access control system, fences, and checkpoints have been installed at the university.

The technical equipment of internal control and general security systems, the cost of which amounted to more than 25 million rubles, makes it possible to integrate any modern technological solutions in the future. For example, a biometric face recognition program that will detect the absence of a medical mask or its incorrect wearing. Or a body temperature control program using thermal imagers and much more.

The Situation Center operates around the clock at USATU, which monitors the operational situation on the territory of universities and student campuses, the performance of technical means of security, fire alarms, video surveillance systems, as well as detects utility accidents and informs the relevant technical services.

The division was created two years ago to improve the responsiveness in case of emergency situations and is currently expanding its functionality. So, in the event of an emergency, the specialists of the center will be able to launch and control the operation of the quadcopter with video signal output to monitors to track possible fires, smoke and find people.

Additional tasks of the center also include: daily raising of the Russian flag with sound accompaniment, briefings at the place of gathering of patrols, setting up posts of a private security company, being on duty on the hotline for mobilization measures, organizing the work of the civil defense headquarters in the event of an emergency, monitoring evening rounds of student dormitories members of the Voluntary Student Team, organization of the activities of dispatchers of economic services.


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