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We invite you to the student design bureau "UIPA-UGATU"!


The UIPA-UGATU student design bureau will be created on the basis of the university with the support and close cooperation with UIPA JSC, which is part of Radio Electronic Technologies Concern JSC (Rostec State Corporation).

At SDB you will be engaged in the design of electrical equipment for transport, industrial and manufacturing applications.

The salary will be from 15 to 30 thousand rubles per month. It is important that you will not be cut off from the educational process, but in practice you will work out the knowledge gained during the training and consolidate your competencies.

If you are a 3-4 year undergraduate student, 3-5 year specialist student, master or postgraduate student, if you have basic skills in Microsoft Office and Compass-3d, if you want to work and earn money without interrupting your studies, we are waiting for you!

To make an appointment for an interview, you must first call or write to the number 8-919-602-30-41 Zainagutdinova Evelina Ilgizovna.

Face-to-face interviews will be held on August 1, 15 and 29 at 10 am (meeting on the 1st floor of building No. 4 of USATU). Additional interview dates will be announced later.

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