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About popular science: the start of the “Lecture room REC-2022”


A consortium of universities and scientific organizations of the world-class Eurasian Research and Education Center presents a series of public lectures by leading scientists from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech).

On February 8th (Tue) at 13:00 (Moscow time) an online lecture will be held on the topic: “5G - the future is connected”.

Dmitry Lakontsev, an expert in the field of telecommunications systems and wireless technologies, Associate Professor at Skoltech, will answer all questions and tell you what research will determine the type of wireless technologies in 2025 and 2030 today.


You will learn:

  • where is the fifth generation of wireless communication used today, how soon will it evolve?
  • how 5G networks became the driver of the global economy?
  • why, according to scientists, the next three years will be revolutionary for the telecommunications sector?
  • how not to be late in the 6G future?

Participation is free. Registration on the website of the Eurasian REC:


For reference.

Dmitry Lakontsev is the head of the Skoltech Wireless Design Center and the Skoltech-based NTI Competence Center for Wireless Communications and the Internet of Things. MIPT graduate. In 2007, he received a Ph.D. in wireless networks from the A. A. Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP RAS). He worked as the head of a department at the IITP RAS, was a co-founder and CEO of a start-up company (60 engineers and $ 3 million in annual turnover). The Competence Center led by Dmitry is developing a Russian 5G base station; at present, the fifth generation wireless communication test zone is successfully operating in Skolkovo.

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